Women with significant large breasts may suffer from symptoms like neck, shoulders and back pain. Beside that most of them find difficulties when exercising, and to find a perfect dresses for themselves, which can affect their life quality and may even lower their self confidence. Therefor, breast reduction surgery became one of the most common surgeries in the world. The procedure involves removing excess breast tissues (fat and skin) to reduce the breast size.
How is breast reduction surgery performed ?
The patient will receive general anesthesia during the surgery.
The surgeon will open incisions around the nipples, then extend it downward to the breast crease, forming a key hole shape. If the breast are too big, the surgeon will make another types of incision. Its name is anchor incision, and it allows to remove a bigger amount of tissues. Afterward, the surgeon will remove excess fat, tissues and skin. Nipples have to be repositioned into a more adequate position for the new size and shape of the breast.
At the end of the surgery, the incisions will be stitched up and the breast wrapped with gauze.
Recovery after breast reduction surgery
After the surgery, the patient has to wear support bra or a special bandage to reduce swelling and support breast tissues during the healing process. The doctor will prescribe painkillers to be used in case of pain. In the first few weeks the patient should expect tight feeling in the breast.
Patients need to plan one to two weeks off work or school to recover.Meanwhile, they should avoid any activity that might stretch the chest muscle or tear the sutures. Although daily light activities can be resumed after few days, physical activities have to wait up to one month to be resumed.
The scars are relatively important but they will fade overtime to become barely noticeable.
Breast reduction surgery results
The results are immediately visible after the surgery. However the final results of breast reduction will appear better after all the swelling and bruising disappear. A big part of patients who have undergone breast reduction surgery claim that they feel immediate relief from neck and shoulders pain. It is one of the highest satisfaction rates surgeries.
Who are the candidates for breast reduction surgery ?
You may be a candidate for breast reduction if you :
- Are healthy individual, you do not have any chronic disease.
- Are bothered of the large size of your breasts.
- Think that your breast size limit your activities.
- Suffer from neck, shoulders or back pain caused by the weight of your breasts.
- Suffer from skin irritation beneath your breast crease.
- Have realistic expectations.