Dental veneers are thin shells (covers), made of porcelain or composite resin materials. Sometimes called porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates; they adhere to frontal apparent teeth surface to give them a classically shaped look. Dental veneers became the number one solution to improve teeth appearance, colour and size. Therefore, in our clinic in Turkey we use high quality veneer with an appropriate cost.
Why we use dental veneers ?
You can have dental veneers if :
- Your teeth are stained or discoloured due to root canal treatment.
- You have chipped or worn down teeth.
- Your front teeth are crooked or misshapen.
- There is uneven space or large gap between your teeth.
What s the procedure to get dental veneers ?
The procedure of placing veneers needs two – sometimes three – visits.
- In the first visit, your dentist will examine your teeth to see if the veneer is suitable for you. He may take an x-ray to be sure of their health. Also, he may take an impression of your teeth to send it to a dental lab to prepare the veneers (this may be left to the second visit if it is a three visit treatment).
- In the second visit, and after receiving your veneers (it takes 2 to 4 weeks to prepare), the dentist will prepare your teeth to receive the shell. He will trim the surface of the tooth by nearly the same amount as the thickness of the veneer. This will create a rougher surface to cement the veneers on it. Then comes the bonding step, and that is when the dentist verify the colour, the shape and the fit of the veneer. Afterward, a special cement is used to bond the veneer permanently to the tooth. The dentist will use a special light to help dry the cement quickly, then remove any excess cement and verify the bite.
After getting veneers
After putting dental veneers you should pay attention to many things like :
- Biting on hard things like pen or fingernails, this may cause the veneers to chip or break.
- Not using your teeth to open packages.
- Try to not chew hard food with your front teeth, use your back teeth instead.
- If you grind or clench your teeth at night, you must use night guard to protect the veneers.
- If you play sports you must wear mouth guard.
Porcelain veneers or composite resin ?
Porcelain veneers need more enamel removing, also they are more resistant, long lasting and resist stains. In the other hand, composite resin veneers are less expensive, need less preparation and are easy to fix if chipped. However, to make the right choice for your teeth you should speak to your dentist about you expectations and he will recommend the best material for you.