What is liposuction?
Liposuction or “lipo” is a procedure that aims to reshape certain body areas, by removing excess fat. It involves suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body, such as abdomen, thighs, hips, buttock and breast.
However, liposuction is not considered as a wight loss procedure. So if you are overweight you should lose weight through diet, exercising or weight loss surgeries.
Liposuction procedure in our clinic in Istanbul
The surgeon will firstly determine the areas from which he will remove fat. Then will give general anesthesia to the patient.
The procedure involves making small incisions to introduce a thin tube called cannula into. The cannula will help pull the fat outside the body. Depending on your goals and case, the surgeon will chose the appropriate liposuction method to perform.
- Tumescent liposuction : This is the most common technique. Your surgeon injects sterile solution into the areas to treat, so it helps dissolve the fat and the area swell and stiffen. The surgeon then will makes small incisions to insert the cannula and suction the fat. This technique helps minimize the injuries as it separates the skin from other soft tissues.
- Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) : Uses sound waves energy under your skin to rupture the cell walls of the fat. This breaks down the fat so it can be suctioned out easily. A new generation of UAL called vaser assisted liposuction uses a device that may improve skin contouring and reduce the chance of skin injuries.
- Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL) : It uses high intensity laser light to liquify the fat for easier removal.
Recovery after liposuction surgery
After the liposuction your surgeon may require to use compression garment for 1 to 2 months to reduce swelling. Also, you may need painkiller and antibiotics to avoid infection. At the first few days you should have some rest, however, some people go back to work after one week. Resuming your daily activities must wait up to 2 weeks including exercise.
The surgeon may place drainage tube into the incision to help fluids out. During recovery time, expect some contour irregularities as the remaining fat settles into position.
Liposuction candidates
Generally, liposuction candidates are individuals :
- With good health and no major health problems
- Within 30% of their ideal weight.
- Who have firm, good skin elasticity and muscles tone.
- With fat deposit in body areas that do not respond to exercise and diet.
- With realistic expectations.