Genetics, using certain medications, massive weight fluctuation or other unspecified reasons may cause gynecomastia among men. Gynecomastia is men breast enlargement, due to excess fat formation or glandular tissues. That makes the breast look round shaped, skin sagging and the nipples go down. In fact, large range of men experience some degree of breast enlargement, which can affect their look and makes it hard for them to get a nice tight looking chest even with exercising.
Therefor, male breast reduction surgery in our Istanbul clinic, is the most effective way to correct breast enlargement. The procedure involves removing excess fatty and glandular tissues, and sometimes even skin.
How is male breast reduction done ?
There are two ways to correct gynecomastia depending on the degree of breast enlargement.
Liposuction procedure :
Liposuction for breast reduction is performed under local anesthesia along with sedation, or under general anesthesia. The surgeon will make small incisions along the side of the breast to insert a thin tube called cannula. The surgeon will use the cannula to loosen and remove excess fatty tissues. Although, liposuction has satisfying results in treating excess fatty tissues, some other cases needs glandular tissues excision.
Male breast reduction with tissues excision :
For more severe cases, the surgeon will need to remove glandular tissues and excess sagging skin. Using general anesthesia, the surgeon will make incisions around the areoles or in the natural breast creases. Then he will remove excess glandular tissues and skin, before he repositions the areoles to give a more natural male breast look.
Recovery after male breast reduction
After the surgery, a gauze will wrap the chest for few days. Also, the patient might expect soreness, swelling and bruising which is normal after any surgical procedure. Therefor, a special compression garment is given to the patient to help reducing swelling, and support tissues while healing.
Meanwhile, the patient should get plenty of rest, and should avoid movements that may stretch the chest muscles. However, most people may feel ready to return to work after one week if it does not involve physical activities. More vigorous activities should wait up to 3 weeks.
Although the breast reduction results are immediately visible, final results may take several weeks to months to complete.
Male breast reduction candidates
You may consider a breast reduction surgery if you :
- Have a good health status.
- Are not a smoker or a drug user.
- Have realistic expectations.
- Feel that your breast is too large.
- Have a stable healthy weight.